Kellan Grady Eager to Play With Eric Bledsoe in TBT


Kellan Grady (Vicky Graff Photo)

Kentucky believes its LaFamilia roster of Kellan Grady, Marquis Teague, James Young, Willie Cauley-Stein, Doron Lamb, Eric Bledsoe, Andrew Harrison, Daniel Orton, Nate Sestina and Reid Travis has a great chance to win the $1 million purse that goes to winning team in the TBT (The Basketball Tournament), especially with one of the regional brackets being played in Rupp Arena.

Grady, who played overseas last year after one season in the G League, admits he’s most looking forward to playing with Eric Bledsoe, a starter on UK’s 2010 Elite Eight team, “given his depth of experience” in college and professional basketball.

“I never dreamed of playing at Kentucky growing up,” Grady said. “I was 12 years old when he was there but I remember my dad saying you have got to watch this Kentucky team.”

He said he’s also excited about meeting and playing with the other former UK stars.

“Everyone watches Kentucky to some degree growing up. I remember watching all these guys. I could go down the list,” Grady said. “Reid Travis was around a little in the summer when I was there. I am not intimately familiar with the guys but I remember watching these guys growing up.”

Grady believes new Kentucky coach Mark Pope is going to continue the Kentucky basketball tradition.

“I think we are in very good hands. I read a lot about him and saw YouTube clips. I know he historically has had an efficient offense,” Grady said. “It’s tough watching basketball when you are six hours ahead (time-wise) in Europe. I think coach Pope will do a great job.”

Count Grady as one who was also shocked when Kentucky fans filled Rupp Arena for Pope’s introductory press conference in April.

“That was a testament to the love and support we have for the Big Blue Nation,” Grady said. “People characterize this fanbase as crazy but you do not do that if you don’t care. That is why BBN shows out.”

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