St. Augustine Alligator Farm has Something to Appeal to all Ages


My oldest grandson and son compared alligator and crocodile skulls to note the differences between the two animals. (Larry Vaught Photo)

The St. Augustine Alligator Farm Zoological Park lets you not only get a close view of alligators but also crocodiles, turtles and exotic birds in a place where you can move at your pace and always find friendly staff members to answer any questions you might have. Plus, there are daily wildlife shows and exhibits.

We spent about three hours at the park viewing alligators and my favorite is always watching the trainers feed the alligators but I also enjoy the birds and turtles. The albino alligators never cease to amaze me and it’s the only place I’ve been to view vultures.

The lemurs are also always entertaining as they never seem to stop moving and using their long tails to propel themselves.

And you simply have to see Maximo, a saltwater crocodile, to appreciate him at 15 feet, 3 inches long and weighing 1,250 pounds. The underwater viewing window showcases his gigantic frame.

Since I’ve visited her several times, I thought I would share what my son Jeremy, daughter-in-law Christy, grandson Cooper (15) and grandson Colby (12) thought about the park. Here are their answers to three questions:

1. What surprised you the most about the Alligator Farm?

Colby: “How they (alligators) don’t try to fight each other and no one’s arm got eaten.”

Cooper: “The thing that surprised me the most about Alligator Farm was seeing the huge albino alligator. I didn’t even know alligators could be albino. It was so cool and creepy at the same time.”

Christy: “I was most impressed that it was not just alligators.”

Jeremy: “The one thing that surprised me was the many different types of crocodiles and alligators there are.  There may only be slight differences but they are different.”

2. What did you like the best?

Colby: “Seeing the really big crocodile.”

Cooper: “The best part for me was definitely the zipline over the alligators. It was such an adrenaline rush to be flying above them. I felt like I was in an action movie. Someone told  me the zipline was cool and their experience inspired me.”

Christy: “My favorites were all the birds and cranes.”

Jeremy: “My favorite was the lemurs. It was interesting to see their big eyes.”

3. What is the one thing you learned that you may always remember?

Colby: “How they (alligators) only eat 80 to 00 pounds a year there at the farm.”

Cooper: “One thing I’ll always remember is that alligators can live up to 80 years. That’s almost as long as a human. It’s crazy to think they stick around for so long.”

Christy: “The difference between a constrictor and a python.”

Jeremy: “I will always remember the small amount of food alligators have to eat. But the best part was seeing the smiles and interesting looks from my family. The different questions that my boys asked made for great conversation and a great learning experience.”

The family experience/conversation created by a visit to the Alligator Farm Zoological Park sort of surprised me too. I really wasn’t sure how it would appeal to ages 12 to 72 but we all had a great time and found our own little parts we each liked the best.

St. Augustine Alligator Farm

One Response

  1. Gatorland in Kissimmee/Orlando is the icon of gator attractions !( not the kind in orange and blue ) ? Tupperware international HQ on one side and years back a Toyota dealership owned by two UK boys on the other.

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